
the dreaming

re-visioning Aboriginal Sense of Place


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Unless otherwise indicated, the quotes are from Robert Lawlor's "Voices of the First Day"

Please note there is no intention to offend by using the words "Aborigines" or "Aboriginal" or "Indigenous"

To learn what a TREATY would mean -  click  HERE

Blog posts : "Action"

PAUL KELLY - THE AUSTRALIAN - Uluru Statement deserves respect, but treaty would backfire

MAY 31,  2017.   What The Australian has to say about a Treaty that cannot happen now:

"After a 10-year process and six months of discussions around this country, the historic Uluru Statement from the Heart, authorised by 250 delegates, deserves a respect and evaluation by the political cl…

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Survival Day 26 January - Australia's Day of shame

I won't be celebrating the 26th January as Australia Day and here is why. If Australia Day is about celebrating a Nation with fair services and opportunities and equal treatment of all people of Australia, regardless of the colour of their skin, then I am not celebrating the Anniversary of the day t…

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Clinton's Walk for Justice - Perth to Canberra

Twenty six year old Clinton Pryor is walking across Australia.  Clinton says:

I do not want to see communities closed down and see my people lose their home because the government has decided not fund service for them. It is not right and this why I am doing the walk to save my people from l…

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Artworks by Mirree

Beautiful Soul, Mirree, shares her awesome art work via Facebook and her Website.  Below is a link to a video showing Mirree painting "Sun Woman Dreaming."

Check out Mirree's website and support authentic Aboriginal painting - NOW !

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We do not need to get over it- we are waiting for you to catch up with it!

An excellent yet sombre post written by Blackfulla Revolution about the ignorance of people concerning First Nations People.  I have highlighted a part in red which really stands out to me.

Please share this and make Aboriginal voices heard far & wide!

Blackfulla Revolution

5 September…

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First Nations People Ventures to Support

Dreamtime Dancers is a community engagement 
project for young people in Broome, Western Australia, delivered through the medium of contemporary Aboriginal dance. 

The project is a direct response to the vulnerabilities of at-risk young people in Broome, promoting Indigenous culture and herita…

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6 blog posts