"These dimensions of our crisis tell plainly the structural nature of our problem. This is the torment of our powerlessness."
Please click on the Link below to read the ULURU STATEMENT made at the 2017 National Constitution Convention - it is a PDF document so you will need to download the free Adobe PDF Reader program if you don’t have it already – at this Link HERE .
Indigenous summit rejects 'minimalist' recognition, pushes for treaty and voice in Constitution
A referendum could be held early next year to enshrine a "First Nations Voice" in the constitution after a historic all-Indigenous convention overwhelmingly backed the move.
On Friday 26 May 2017, indigenous leaders from across the country at the conclusion of 3 days of deliberations at the First Nations National Convention, out rightly rejected the idea of mere recognition in the Australian Constitution, instead calling for a representative body to be enshrined in the nation's founding document and for a process to be established working towards treaties.
In a stunning repudiation, the convention rejected acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the constitution, instead backing the Indigenous voice. It also called for a road map to a treaty.
Key points:
- Constitutional recognition was "totally rejected"
- Uluru delegation calls for First Nations Voice enshrined in the constitution
- Delegation also calls for a truth and justice commission, the Makarrata Commission.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart is the result of three days of deliberations during the national gathering. The announcement is the result of a historic convention in the centre of Australia. 250 indigenous people from all around Australia convened in Uluru to try and reach a consensus on whether a referendum on constitutional recognition was needed, and what it would look like.
Australia is the only Commonwealth country that does not have a treaty with its Indigenous peoples.
The message for the Australian public and Federal government is:
"In '67 we asked to be counted. In 2017 we're asking to be heard."
The Convention, consisting of 250 Indigenous delegates, called for a "Makarrata Commission" to supervise and monitor agreements between Indigenous groups and the Federal government and to voice Indigenous concerns about the treatment of Australia's first people,
Founder of the Cape York Partnership, Noel Pearson, said the Uluru Statement, which will be presented to the Referendum Council to adopt options for constitutional reform to then be delivered to the Federal government, presents Australia with a chance to address "the nettle of the structural situation in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live."
The Referendum Council was jointly appointed by the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten on 7 December 2015.
Its job is to advise the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition on progress and next steps towards a successful referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution.
Not surprisingly, the Deputy Prime Minister also said any proposal to the effect of a new parliamentary chamber would be unrealistic.
"If you are asking for a new chamber in the federal parliament, some of the articles I see are heading in that direction, that's not going to happen, I am going to be fair dinkum with people," he said.
"We want something we can sell to the Australian people. You know the bosses in this show?
"If you are suggesting that we have local government, state government upper and lower house, then a federal government with a lower house, a Senate and another chamber again, you don't have to be Nostradamus to tell the future of what happens here. The Australian people will say no to that."
How strange. I thought Life wasn’t about “bosses” and as an Australian who has lived in Australia for over 50 years I certainly don’t feel that I am the “boss” of the Government !! Also how arrogant for him to say we will say No.
Mr Barnaby Joyce - I SAY “YES”
Read more -
Speaking on the ABC's Q&A on Monday 29th May, Indigenous Australian panellists Noel Pearson, Pat Anderson Megan Davis, Nakkiah Lui and Stan Grant took to justifying Friday's First Nations National Convention and the Uluru Statement, which calls for constitutional reform involving a "First Nations Voice" in parliament and a serious push towards a treaty with Indigenous people.
Please listen to the Questions and Answer session at the ABC site, link below. You can also download (save) the Video and / or copy or read the Transcript.
Co-Chair of the Referendum Council and Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, Pat Anderson said: "We are voiceless and powerless in our own lands. This is our country. We have been here for 60,000 years. There has to be substantive change, structural change that will make a difference.
I think, Australia is ready for it. I think we're mature enough and sophisticated enough to have this what might be a difficult conversation, but for goodness sake let's have it and be done with it.”
The Referendum Council will officially recommend to both Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten that a treaty be established with Australia's First Nations people, and that a permanent place for First Australians is constitutionally enshrined in Parliament.